Why Use Kwik Case?
Today, librarians all across the country are having the same problem: Theft of A/V materials.
Do you have a growing collection of DVDs and CDs?
Are you losing any of your collection to theft?
Would you like to store your media “on open display”?
If you could eliminate double handling of media, would you?
If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, you are not alone. Most librarians are experiencing these same problems and are looking for a way to address it.
Our Kwik Cases:
-Are the #1 preferred audiovisual security case in the library/education market.
-Are designed specifically with library use in mind.
-Offer long term effectiveness against theft.
-Can be displayed in your current shelving.
-Are made of tough, almost indestructible, clear polycarbonate.
-Allow your AV collection to be openly displayed which increases circulation (no more double storage!)
-Can help reduce or eliminate replacement costs; saving you money.
-Can be tagged with a security strip that works with your existing door security system.
-Stay in the library at all times so they never have to be sensitized or re-sensitized; saving valuable staff time and reducing the amount of security cases you need to purchase.
-Are unlocked using the same Magnetic Detacher for all types of Kwik Cases, allowing convenient removal.
-Are ergonomically-designed to open with one hand; with no repetitive twisting or turning motions.
Request your free sample kit today with no obligation! Click here or call 1-800-345-3480 ext 26